Saturday, 19 April 2014


Here are some of the cheerful linens, etc. you can currently find at our booth. 
Vivid 1950's tablecloth (48" X 48") $25-

Circa 1980 floral "squares" which are perfect for sitting on at a park picnic. They measure approx. 20" X 22." $6 - for the pair. Chin chin! SOLD

Way cool Japanese fabric approx. 2' X 1 ' It is actually imported from Japan and still has the import sticker on it. This would make a really cool wall hanging, pillow case, or demi cravat (I just made up that term). $18 -

Whoa! I see my childhood flashing before my eyes. This is new old stock par excellence and it doesn't get more seventies than this - a terrycloth apron in hallucinatory colours.
There's a browntastic seventies apron underneath that's cut from the same piece of cloth so to speak. $10 -

These soft yellow aprons are perfect to wear on a beautiful spring day as you bake happy pies or contemplate sticking your head in the oven. $10 - ea. ONE SOLD

 We have a few vintage tea towels on hand, including this Irish bread recipe towel. Note the haughty look on the faces of the Staffordshire dogs while the long-suffering wife makes delicious bread for her ungrateful pipe-smoking man. $8 - (Most tea towels are $8) SOLD

This is a sampler with a story, but I'm not sure what the story is. There is mailing information on the back and it's stamped, but it's hard to know if the sampler was sent in the post or if they just mounted it on the back of some cardboard that was used to mail something in. Either way, it's a beauty. This would make a great gift for someone having a baby. $30 -

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